
2010 in Review: ITU Milestones

It was a year of milestones for triathlon in 2010, here’s a look at some of the major milestones from the past season of racing.

30 December, 2010

Photo Of The Year: Final Result

It was a heated battle in the race for Photo of the Year but in the end, Delly Carr’s stunning image of the men’s bike race in Madrid came out on top.

30 December, 2010

Vote for Photo of the Year 2010 - Week 8: The Final Vote

From Jan Frodeno galloping by famed Sydney Opera House to Barbara Riveros Diaz weary and worn-out at the finish area of the Grand Final, the seven photos are a varied blend that showcases action and excitement.

20 December, 2010

Photo Of The Year: Week Seven Result

After voting, it was a runaway winner in Week Seven of the Photo of the Year contest. Topping the polls was Janos Schmidt’s low angle photo of Chile’s Barbara Riveros Diaz.

17 December, 2010

2010 In Review: Budapest

The 2010 Dextro Energy Triathlon ITU World Championship Grand Final would be staged in the Hungarian capital where the course navigated around landmarks like the Parliament Building, Chain Bridge and the Danube River.

15 December, 2010

Photo Of The Year: Week Six Result

This weeks winner an unknown athlete diving into the crisp blue of the Schwarzsee lake at the foot of the Austrian Alps. The beautiful calm day only broken by his leading foot.

10 December, 2010

Looking Back 2010: London Red Bus Tour

In London this year, the media had a unique opportunity to meet and mingle with our top athletes in an afternoon aboard a London Red Bus.

09 December, 2010

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