
New Gold Group Announced Today

20 of the world's best triathletes have been selected to be part of the exclusive ITU Gold Group for the remainder of the 2010 season

22 June, 2010

ITU Best Swimmer Rankings Update

A check of the Best Swimmer Rankings after the third round of the Series shows the Russian men and American women swimming circles around the competition

21 June, 2010

Don Takes Top Prize at Hy-Vee

Brit Tim Don broke away from the pack at the start of the run to win the $200,000 top prize at the Hy-Vee Elite Cup

14 June, 2010

Madrid magazine show now available

Don't miss the chance to watch the action packed hour long TV magazine show from Madrid. Register now to watch the show.

11 June, 2010

Miguel Indurain Tackles Tri in Madrid

Five-time Tour de France Champion Miguel Indurain competed in his first triathlon event on Saturday, racing in the cycling leg of a triathlon relay in Madrid

06 June, 2010

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